Fall 2013

Hi Joe-Labers! 

Here is our Fall 2013 journal club page. Please visit the page to know the weekly JC leaders, topics, and to get your hands on the weekly PDFs & Slides

Journal Club Dates + Presenters

September 20th

- TOPIC: Jessica Grahn Paper

2013.Nombela.Hughes.Owen.Grahn.Into the groove Can rhythm influence Parkinson’s disease

We will be reviewing this paper together - come prepared with comments & critiques! 

September 27th:

- Paul

i) Presenting resting state data

ii) Leading discussion on "Effects of external rhythmical cueing on gait in patients with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review" by Lim et al. 2005

October 4th:

- Joe & Larissa at conference

- Paula leading discussion on "Compensatory activity in the extrastriate body area of Parkinson's Disease patients" by van Nuenen et al. 2012 (J Neurosci)

October 11th:

- We welcome Samantha Podrebarac, who will give a presentation. Here is her latest publication: Gender-selective neural populations: evidence from event-related fMRI repetition suppression, published in Experimental Brain Research in 2013

- Samantha leading discussion on "Early to bed, early to rise”: Diffusion tensor imaging identifies chronotype-specificity by Rosenberg et al. 2013

October 18th:

Reviewing Paula's manuscript: Involvement of the extrastriate body area during viewing and visualization of a complex motor sequence and motor execution: evidence for learning and expertise effects, which she hopes to send to either Cortex or Journal of Neuroscience. 

October 25th:

Nevena will be leading a discussion on Unique saccadic abilities associated with tourette syndrome: Pure and comorbid groups a controlled study by Tajik-Parvinchi & Sandor, 2012
Larissa will give us a glimpse in to some of her research ideas for this upcoming year!

November 1st:

- Co-curricular week

- Project updates... see slides HERE

November 8th:

- Mike W presenting  Steady-State VEP and Attentional Visual Processing + Updating JoeLab on his Honours Thesis  project  

November 15th:

- **** Must reschedule: Michelle will present Do metronomes improve the quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease? A pragmatic, single-blind, randomized cross-over trial by Elston et al. (2010) + give us an update on her independent study

November 22nd:

- Katherine will present Impact of a weekly dance class on the functional mobility and on the quality of life of individuals with Parkinson’s disease by Heiberger et al. (2011) + give us an update on her Honours Thesis

November 29th: 

- Ruth-Anne will be leading a discussion on Brain correlates underlying creative thinking: EEG alpha activity in professional vs. novice dancers by Fink et al. (2009)

December 6th:

- Mike O will lead a discussion on Musical Expertise Induces Audiovisual Integration of Abstract Congruency Rules by Paraskevopoulos et al. (2012)